Church Re-Opening Update #6 教會重啟更新

Last week we communicated the seven milestones toward which the church is progressing in order to re-open. We continue to make progress towards our milestones. However, we also want to be responsive to the changing health environment in California and LA County. The current spike in COVID-19 cases and deaths is not without notice.

In response:
Effective July 6, we are once again closing the MBCLA office. This is our part to slow the spread and we will continue to evaluate the health landscape.

The number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 in California jumped 56% in the last two weeks. Cases have hit daily records four times within that span. In Los Angeles, cases are approaching their daily high. While some may attribute this to the increase in testing, we have also seen a rise in the test rate. A greater percentage of tests are returning positive in California and LA County. It is for this reason that Governor Newsom suspended dine-in service in LA County restaurants. The spike also led DPH Director Barbara Ferrer to say, "Immediate action is necessary in order for us to get back on track to slow the spread.”

  • We also remind church members to remain vigilant in personal health practices, such as wearing a mask.  As Paul writes in Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
  • We encourage you to take special precautions on the Fourth of July. Let us avoid unnecessary exposure by staying away from crowds, confined spaces, and close contact.
  • We invite you to join us in prayer for  decreasing  cases and a flattened curve. Let us persevere as we intercede for the communities around us.





  • 我們鄭重提醒各位弟兄姊妹繼續維持個人衛生習慣,如戴口罩。正如使徒保羅在加拉太書6:9所教導我們的,"我們行善,不可喪志,若不灰心,到了時候,就要收成。"
  • 我們鼓勵弟兄姊妹們在7月4日國慶日的週末,要做好特別的防範工作。請盡量避免與人不必要的接觸,如不去到人多的地方或參加大型派對,不在狹小的空間逗留,不與人太靠近的接觸。
  • 請與我們一同為疫情的得到控制,確診人數的減低和病毒傳播減緩而忠心向神祈求禱告。