Church Re-Opening Update #22 教會重啟

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Last week we shared a churchwide survey and asked for your input. Here are initial observations:

  • 280 have responded so far.
  • 39% indicated they will attend the first in-person, indoor service. 33% will wait additional weeks and it may be a while for 28% to return.
  • The primary reason members plan to wait additional weeks before returning is to see how church health and safety guidelines are implemented.

Please consider filling out the survey if you haven’t done so yet. We’d love for it to reflect your plans and expectations. Thank you!

Here are some additional notes:

  1. Reopening Date – We provided a possible re-opening date so that you could evaluate it with us. We will consider your responses, county health conditions, and preparations to finalize it soon.
  2. Worship Capacity – LA County has moved into the Orange Tier but we continue to plan for an initial capacity less than 25%. We want to be sure check-in is smooth and we will increase capacity as we go.
  3. Usher & Check-in Training – For those who are interested to volunteer, the church is hosting a training on April 17. English and Cantonese training takes place at 9am in the GWC. Mandarin training takes place at 10:30am at the main campus
  4. Outdoor Events – The Boy Scouts conducted a safe, outdoor event. If your fellowship group or ministry would like to meet outdoors for an event, please contact your direct pastoral staff member for guidelines.
  5. Office Updates – Office renovation is now underway. Painting and recarpeting begin on Monday. If we do not answer the phone, please leave a voicemail for us. And if you have an appointment at the church, please coordinate with pastoral staff for access or call the phone number posted at the Woodward entrance during morning hours.



  • 截至目前為止,我們收到280個問卷調查回應
  • 回覆者中39%的人表示他們將在第一時間參加教會室內實體崇拜。33%的人會等幾週,而28%的人則回覆他們準備等一陣子後才返回教會參加實體崇拜。
  • 等待數週或過一陣子才會教會最主要的因素是他們希望先觀察一下教會如何落實因應疫情所作的各項保健措施。



  1. 重啟日期 – 為了方便弟兄姊妹與我們的共同商議,教會曾發佈一個暫擬重啟的日期。我們會認真地將弟兄姊妹們的回應,洛縣一般健康狀況,及教會重啟準備工作就緒情形均列入考慮,才審慎作出最後的決定。
  2. 崇拜人數 – 雖然目前洛縣已進步到疫情橘色階段,教會仍然準備在重啟之初將出席人數設定於25%以內。因為我們必須先確定報到手續能夠順利進行,日後將會逐漸增加出席人數的限額。
  3. 招待及報到手續培訓 - 如果你有意願參與招待或崇拜報到的服事,請留意,教會將於4月17日舉行一次相關培訓。英文堂和粵語堂的培訓在當天早晨9點鐘在嘉惠堂舉行。國語堂培訓則會在當天早晨10:30在本堂舉行。
  4. 戶外聚集 - 在本教會聚集的童子軍團隊於上週舉行了一次安全的戶外活動。如果你屬的團契,家庭小組或事工希望在教會戶外舉集,請聯絡所屬教牧同工,尋求有關教會戶外聚集指南。
  5. 教會辦公室 - 教會辦公室的重新裝修工程正在進行中。下週一將開始油漆及重新鋪地毯。在工程期間,如果沒有人接聽辦公室電話,請務必留言。如果你與教牧同工有約在教會見面,請事先協調如何進入教會;或在早晨時,可打張貼在Woodward大門外的電話號碼。