Church Re-Opening Update #28 教會重啟更新

Last Sunday, May 2, we resumed in-person worship service. We are grateful for everyone who came to worship together and hope it was edifying for you! We also hope that those who streamed the service were able to access it and benefit from the live nature of the worship service. For this week’s update we would like to offer some reminders:

  1. Registration takes place each week. Please be reminded to register between Monday morning and Friday night for the upcoming Sunday service. Your advance registration helps ushers to prepare the seating.
  2. Please continue to arrive early for service, up to 30 minutes early. The process will get faster as we become more familiar with it but the number of attendees will also increase. Coming early will assure that you can be greeted and seated before service begins.

We understand that not everyone is ready or in a position to return to in-person worship service and we hope you can worship heartily where you are. If you were waiting to preserve seating for others, please know that each of our services had additional capacity last week and we would be blessed to see you.

Los Angeles County recently entered the Yellow Tier and health conditions continue to improve locally. We pray for God’s continued protection, and we also pray on behalf of those dramatically affected by COVID-19, such as in India, that they would receive help and find relief.


  1. 參與實體敬拜每週都需要報名。請記得若想參加下一主日的崇拜,請在週一早晨到週五晚間之間報名。如果大家都早一點報名,招待弟兄姊妹們就可以有較充裕的時間安排崇拜時的座位。
  2. 請繼續在崇拜前30分鐘之內到達教會。雖然當我們對報到程序較熟悉時,報到所需時間就會縮短,然而,隨著疫情的好轉,參與實體敬拜的人數也會相對增加。早些到達教會可以確保你和家人在崇拜開始前已完成報到並入座。



Church Re-Opening Update #27 教會重啟更新

MBCLA will resume in-person worship services this Sunday, May 2. In preparation for this, we invite our church family to join with us in prayer for this transition, our volunteers, spiritual vitality, and the physical health of our community.

Let us pray:

  • That all church people can access the worship services, whether online or in-person;
  • That there is no disruption to worship service so that we can focus on our Great God together;
  • That our volunteers are excited and prepared for their acts of service;
  • That we may respond with wisdom and grace to any unexpected situations;
  • That Sunday, May 2 marks a new chapter in the ministry of the church and enables us to provide improved pastoral care;
  • That God protects the church and the local community from the pandemic, so that society may continue to re-open and God’s people can fellowship in-person;
  • With gratitude for all who are involved in the re-opening and heartfelt thanksgiving for the sustaining grace of our God.



  • 教會所有的弟兄姊妹們不論在教會實體參與,或經由線上加入都能參加主日崇拜;
  • 在崇拜程序中,我們能專心敬拜我們偉大的神,不被任何突發事務分心;
  • 在崇拜中服事的弟兄姊妹們都靈裏火熱,準備周全,而會眾對他們的事奉存感恩之心;
  • 若有任何突發狀況,求神賜給我們以智慧和恩慈應對;
  • 5月2日為教會事工開啟嶄新的一頁,求主幫助教牧同工們,藉此契機,今後能夠更好地牧養弟兄姊妹們;
  • 求主保護我們的教會及周邊社區在疫情中的安全,以致社區可持續逐漸重啟,神的子民得以早日再度面對面在主裏交流;
  • 為重啟事工中所有參與服事的教牧同工與弟兄姊妹們獻上感謝;並對神豐盛無盡的恩惠衷心感恩。

Church Re-Opening Update #26 教會重啟更新

As part of our re-opening, we have created new YouTube channels and playlists for our live streamed services. This information is available at and we wanted to present it to you here as well. Please use the links below to access the worship services while they are streaming or view the playlist of past worship services. Please also consider subscribing to the new channels to receive notifications:

教會重啟計畫中的一環,就是為主日崇拜線上直播在YouTube 創建新的頻道(channels)和播放清單(playlists),這些資訊可以透過media.mbcla.org取得,以下也列出各堂鏈結方便您使用。請使用以下鏈結來參與主日崇拜 (無論您是在線上同步參加崇拜,或是透過播放清單觀看崇拜影片),也鼓勵您訂閱新的頻道得到及時的通知。

Church Re-Opening Update #25

We are so excited that MBCLA will have in-person worship services again. As part of this planning, we want to highlight some of the changes to the service to meet both safety standards/guidelines and still have a meaningful and God-honoring service.

What will it look like when we step into the sanctuary?

  • Due to the nature of COVID spreading mainly by aerosols, masks will be worn at all times and families will be physically distanced (6-feet distance).
  • All service elements (Scripture passages, lyrics, and sermon notes) will be projected so there will initially be no physical bulletins, bibles, nor hymnals used.
  • To accommodate more brothers and sisters for the in-person worship, we will reduce the number of our worship leaders, serving teams, and ushers in order to maintain the county’s safety guidelines.
  • In order to give enough time for our volunteers to clean up after the first worship, we will start promptly at 9am (Mandarin and English) / 11am (Cantonese), and conclude worship service within an hour.

How should we prepare ourselves when worship starts?

  • As our Lord taught us, we should be sober and reverent to meet our Lord in spirit and truth.
  • The worship order will be similar to pre-pandemic time with small modifications in order to:
    • Provide a safe distance between worship leaders
    • Take care of both in-person worshipers and those who are attending live-stream online
    • Avoid sharing and cross-contaminating AV equipment
  • We all love to praise God with our voices through reading and singing. Yet, from both research and county guidelines, active singing and chanting indoors will increase the risk of spreading and circulating aerosols. To keep our loved ones safe during worship, we can hum, meditate, and recite song lyrics reverently, joyfully, and excitedly in our hearts as Paul instructed us in Colossians 3:16.
  • An offering box will be near the exit to the worship hall. Instead of passing offering bags, place your offering in the box as you exit.
  • The Lord’s Supper will officially resume on the first Sunday of June (6/6). We pray that the Holy Spirit will humble and prepare our hearts to consume Christ’s body and blood while our Lord is still waiting to celebrate the meal with us in His Father’s Kingdom (Matthew 26:29, Luke 22:18).
    • Ushers will set up pre-packaged elements on a table right outside sanctuary doors for members to pick up.
    • The bread and cup will be taken consecutively with pastoral guidance to minimize taking masks off multiple times.
    • Love offering will not be collected but can be offered in the offering box as worshippers exit.
    • Used elements will be placed in a trash receptacle as they exit.
  • Instead of an altar call, to maintain physical distancing, responses to the sermon and prayer requests will be made online or by phone call.

How should we do after worship concludes?

  • Please do not linger so we have enough time to clean and prepare for the next worship service.




  • 由於新型冠狀病毒主要是經由空氣傳播,因此所有與會者都將全時間配戴口罩,並以家庭為單位保持6呎的安全人身距離。
  • 所有敬拜程序(聖經章節,詩歌歌詞,信息大綱等)都將投射在螢幕上,至少在重啟初期將不會備有實體程序單,聖經和詩歌本。
  • 為了使得更多的弟兄姊妹們能夠出席實體崇拜,我們將減少崇拜事奉團隊以及招待人數,以便出席總人數仍然在洛縣保健指南限度之內。
  • 為了方便弟兄姊妹們在第一堂崇拜後能夠有足夠時間清潔場地,崇拜將準時開始:9點鐘(國語堂/英語堂)/ 11點鐘(粵語堂),每個崇拜將不超過一小時。


  • 正如主教導我們,當以警醒,存敬畏之心,用心靈和誠實敬拜我們的主。
  • 除了以下數項應變措施之外,崇拜程序與疫情前大致相同:
    • 崇拜帶領人彼此之間將保持安全距離
    • 崇拜過程將同時兼顧實體與會者和在線上參與者
    • 崇拜團隊將不共同使用音響器材避免交叉感染
  • 我們都很願意以自己的歌聲及誦讀聖經來讚美神。然而,根據多處研究結果及洛縣衛生局的指令,在室內歌唱和頌經大大地增加空氣傳播的機率。為了我們親愛的家人的安全,如使徒保羅在哥羅西書3:16裡教導我們的,在崇拜中我們可以用虔誠,喜樂,活潑的心,心被恩感地以哼詩歌的方式,默想及誦讀詩歌來歌頌神。
  • 我們會將一個奉獻箱放置在靠近會堂出口處。在會中將暫時不會以手傳手的方式傳遞奉獻袋收奉獻,請自行將奉獻放入奉獻箱內。
  • 六月份第一個星期天(6/6)教會將正式恢復主餐。我們禱告懇求聖靈謙卑我們的心,預備我們的靈來領受基督的身體和寶血。同時,我們的主正在等待著祂與我們在父神的國度裏,同我們喝新的那日(馬太福音26:29,路加福音22:18)。
    • 招待弟兄姐妹們會將成套的主餐餅杯放置於會堂外的桌上,請會眾自行領取。
    • 為了減少摘除口罩的次數,會眾將依照牧師的帶領,先吃餅,接著喝杯。
    • 愛心奉獻將不分別收取,請將愛心奉獻投入奉獻箱。
    • 使用過的聖餐容器,將由會友們離席時各自投入垃圾箱內。
  • 為了保持安全的人身距離,牧師在信息後將暫時不作呼召,請於線上或以電話方式作出任何對信息的回應和代禱請求。



Church Re-Opening Update #24 教會重啟

As we look forward to the May 2 return of in-person, indoor worship services, we would like to provide information about how to access the worship services and what they will be like. With our update this week we will specifically explain how to reserve a spot, what to expect when checking-in, and what general guidelines we will be expected to follow.

Question: How do we RSVP for worship service?

  1. To make your reservation, please visit the web address that corresponds with your worship service. You will be able to register from Monday at 9AM to Saturday at 12AM each week, or until we reach our capacity. If you need additional help, please contact the volunteer for each language group: Sarah Choo (Mandarin), Peter Meloserdoff (English), and Kay Wong(Cantonese).

Here are the links:

  1. On the event page, click on the large “Register” button to begin registration. First you will choose the number of tickets you are requesting, one for each person. Then you will be asked to provide a name and email for each ticket. You will also be presented with screening questions for each person. If you or anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms or answers yes to any of the questions, we invite you to wait an additional week before making a reservation.
  2. Upon arrival at church on Sunday morning, the check-in volunteer will ask for your name and compare it with the ticket list generated from online registration. You do not need to print out a physical ticket.

Question: What will check-in on Sunday morning include?

  1. Check-in opens 30 minutes before each worship service. It takes place at the Woodward Ave. entrance of the Main Campus and at the main entrance of the Garfield Worship Center.
  2. At the entrances, you will be greeted by MBCLA ushers and hospitality team. You and everyone in your household can expect:
    1. Greeting – We are so glad that you’ve come to join us!
    2. Face Covering Check – If you are not wearing a mask, you will be offered one
    3. Temperature Check – Those with temperature <100.4 are welcome to enter
    4. Reservation Check – We will confirm that you have registered in advance for the worship service
    5. Screening Questions – You will be asked the same screening questions from the RSVP process to confirm that answers have not changed
    6. Check-in – Your attendance will be recorded
  3. After successfully checking-in, worshipers will be directed to follow the arrows on the floor to be seated in the sanctuary. Those who have symptoms or otherwise do not pass the screening process will be asked to rest and recover before joining us for a future worship service. Those without reservations will be asked to livestream the service from outside or from their vehicles.

Question: What general guidelines will we follow for a safe and orderly return?

  1. Social Distancing – We will practice physical distance between households when walking or seated.
  2. Mask Wearing – We will wear masks at all times when inside MBCLA buildings.
  3. Minimal Physical Contact – We will provide a QR code to access digital Sunday worship bulletins rather than printed copies, offering boxes instead of bags, and projected lyrics instead of hymnals.
  4. Worship Service Priority – Other ministries will not immediately return. As a result, the church office, children’s building, and classrooms will remain closed until a later date. We invite worshipers to exit directly after the conclusion of the worship service.



    1. 請至下列各語言組網頁完成崇拜座位訂位。預約時間從每星期一早晨9點至星期五午夜12點,或當座位完全訂完時為止。如果你想要在網上訂位,但需要幫助,請與各語言組同工聯繫:國語堂:朱華玲傳道;英語堂:Peter Meloserdoff;粵語堂:黃兆琪弟兄。


  1. 在網頁上,請點擊”Register(登記)”按鈕開始訂位程序。選擇訂位票數,每人一票。每票須輸入姓名及電郵地址。每人需回答新冠肺炎(COVID-19)檢測問題。如果你或你的家人中任何一人有COVID-19病徵或對任何檢測問題作”是”的回答,我們將要求你和你的家人等一個星期,再在網上訂位。
  2. 當你在星期天早晨到達教會時,負責報到的同工會詢問你的名字,並對照訂位名單。你不需要將訂位票打印出來。


  1. 每堂崇拜前30分鐘可以開始報到。報到地點:國語堂在正堂Woodward Ave. 大門進口處;英語堂/粵語堂:嘉惠堂大門進口處
  2. 招待及迎賓小組將在大門口歡迎你的到來。你及你的家人將會經過:
    1. 歡迎問安 - 我們誠摯地歡迎你來到我們中間
    2. 口罩檢測 - 如果你忘了戴口罩,教會將會提供口罩給你
    3. 體溫檢測 - 體溫低於華氏100.4度者可參與崇拜
    4. 訂位核定 - 我們將核定你和你的家人預先已為崇拜訂位
    5. 檢測問題 - 你將再度回答在訂位時已作答的相關檢測問題,以便確定你的回答沒有改變
    6. 報到 - 你的出席將會被記載在教會實體崇拜出席紀錄中
  3. 當你完成以上所述所有報到程序後,將會被邀請按照地板上箭頭所指方向進會堂入座。若在報到時有病癥或未通過檢測程序者,則會被邀請以後再來參與教會實體室內敬拜。至於沒有訂位但來報到者,將會被邀請在戶外或自己的車子裏以觀賞直播的方式來參加崇拜。


  1. 遵守社交距離 - 當走路或入座時,各家保持一定距離(以一家人為單位)
  2. 戴口罩 - 在教會裏的時候,我們將全時間戴著口罩
  3. 盡量減少實體接觸 - 我們將不分發程序單,而是以QR code提供數位崇拜程序單,奉獻箱將取代以往手傳手的奉獻袋,詩歌歌詞將投射在銀幕上,不用詩歌本。
  4. 崇拜以外的事工 - 實體崇拜是教會重啟初期的首要重點,其他事工目前還不會立即恢復實體聚集。因此,教會辦公室,兒童教育大樓及課室都將繼續關閉一段時間。我們要求弟兄姊妹們在崇拜完畢之後,直接立即離開會堂及教會。


Church Re-Opening Update #23

In response to the Re-Opening Survey, we would like to announce the May 2 return of in-person, indoor worship services:
  • Mandarin Worship Service: 9:00am, Main Sanctuary
  • English Worship Service: 9:00am, GWC Sanctuary
  • Cantonese Worship Service: 11:00am, GWC Sanctuary
  • Glendora Mission: tbd, FBC Glendora
Those who tune-in will be able to access the livestream for these services through In-person attendance will initially be limited, but we plan to expand capacity, add additional service times and return other in-person ministries after we’ve re-established these worship services. In the coming weeks we will share plans and instructions so that you will know how to reserve your seat and what to expect when you join us in person. Please continue to visit this website for more information:
  • April 16 Update – RSVP; Check-in; What to expect when you arrive
  • April 23 Update – Worship Service Order; How to access the live streams
  • April 30 Update – How to Pray for Reopening
Thank you also for your responses to the survey. We have been readying our technical capabilities for some time and your feedback on the re-opening date enabled us to finalize and announce the date. Here are some results and observations from the survey:

Question: Which best describes your plan for in-person, indoor worship service if they begin on Sunday, May 2?

Thirty-seven percent of those who responded said that they would attend a Sunday, May 2 in-person, indoor worship service. Thirty-five percent indicated that they would wait additional weeks. Twenty-eight percent communicated that it may be a while before returning. We estimate from these responses that interest in the May 2 worship services slightly exceeds our initial capacity, which we have limited in order to accommodate check-in procedures and social distancing. We also recognize that a significant number would like to join later in May and June and we will need to expand capacity to make it possible.

Question: What is your primary reason for waiting additional weeks to return to in-person, indoor worship service?

The primary reason that members gave for waiting additional weeks to return – nearly half of the responses – was to “see how church health and safety guidelines are implemented.” As church staff, volunteers, and attendees this reminds us that others are watching to see how re-opening is conducted. An orderly, safe return will enable others to join us for worship. Some members are waiting for the vaccine. Some members want to make sure that worship service is not overcrowded. Meanwhile some members indicated their desire to prioritize the return of others before themselves given the limited capacity.

Question: What is your primary reason it may be a while before you return?

Those that indicated it may be a while before returning provided reasons for their decision. The largest portion are waiting until more restrictions have been lifted on worship services. A similarly large portion are waiting for vaccination. We also acknowledge those who are unsure about the effectiveness of the vaccine, those who like the convenient option of watching online, and those who are waiting for additional ministries to return like Children’s Ministry. As a church we do not have control over all of these factors but we will work on those factors we can affect so that you may return.
Other Observations:
  • Members asked about outdoor worship service. While the re-opening team prioritized online accessibility and a return to the sanctuary, we have and continue to consider outdoor accessibility as well. In the weeks that follow re-opening we hope to enable outdoor seating at the church.
  • Members expressed interest in expanding our technological capabilities and hiring technical staff. There are growing pains associated with purchasing, installing, deploying and training for new equipment. We appreciate the volunteers who have been involved and the church’s interest in this area. We, too, are interested and exploring options.
  • Members asked what the guidelines will be for worship service and when other groups can return. As we mentioned earlier in this update, we will provide worship service guidelines through a weekly update. Ministries will be restored incrementally but it will take place slowly so that few people are left out when to in-person meetings.



  • 國語堂崇拜:教會正堂早上9:00
  • 英語堂崇拜:嘉惠堂早上9:00
  • 粵語堂崇拜:嘉惠堂早上11:00
  • 格蘭朵拉分堂:具體日期時間尚待決定,格蘭多拉第一浸信會

未能來到教會實體敬拜的會友,可經由 的崇拜直播,同一時間一起敬拜主。雖然每堂實體崇拜人數起初將會設限,但隨著我們逐漸掌握實體崇拜事工,實體崇拜人數將會調整,適時作合宜的增加,我們也可能增加崇拜堂數,並且恢復某些事工在教會的實體聚集。


  • 4月16日更新 - RSVP 敬請回復;報到;到達教會後的程序
  • 4月23日更新 - 崇拜程序;如何在線上觀看直播
  • 4月30日更新 - 如何為教會重啟禱告









  • 有些會友問及戶外崇拜。雖然教會重啟團隊到目前為止將主要的資源和精力集中在線上崇拜及實體室內崇拜上,我們也持續不斷地考量戶外崇拜的可行性。在教會重啟數週後,我們盼望也能對教會戶外崇拜座位有所安排
  • 會友們期許教會能增加教會網路影音能力並聘請專職同工。教會在購買,裝置,使用和培訓使用新器材時,確實經歷了許多學習的過程。我們感謝弟兄姊妹們無私的同工參與,以及會友們的關愛。我們了解這項需要,也正在考量評估各種不同的方案。
  • 會友們想要了解與實體崇拜相關的指令,以及其他事工重返教會聚會的時間表。正如我們在此次更新先前所提到的,我們會在每週的重啟更新中提供實體崇拜的相關指令。其他事工將適時安全地重返教會聚會。不過為了使絕大數的人都能重返教會聚會,這將是一項刻意緩慢進行的程序。

Church Re-Opening Update #22 教會重啟

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Last week we shared a churchwide survey and asked for your input. Here are initial observations:

  • 280 have responded so far.
  • 39% indicated they will attend the first in-person, indoor service. 33% will wait additional weeks and it may be a while for 28% to return.
  • The primary reason members plan to wait additional weeks before returning is to see how church health and safety guidelines are implemented.

Please consider filling out the survey if you haven’t done so yet. We’d love for it to reflect your plans and expectations. Thank you!

Here are some additional notes:

  1. Reopening Date – We provided a possible re-opening date so that you could evaluate it with us. We will consider your responses, county health conditions, and preparations to finalize it soon.
  2. Worship Capacity – LA County has moved into the Orange Tier but we continue to plan for an initial capacity less than 25%. We want to be sure check-in is smooth and we will increase capacity as we go.
  3. Usher & Check-in Training – For those who are interested to volunteer, the church is hosting a training on April 17. English and Cantonese training takes place at 9am in the GWC. Mandarin training takes place at 10:30am at the main campus
  4. Outdoor Events – The Boy Scouts conducted a safe, outdoor event. If your fellowship group or ministry would like to meet outdoors for an event, please contact your direct pastoral staff member for guidelines.
  5. Office Updates – Office renovation is now underway. Painting and recarpeting begin on Monday. If we do not answer the phone, please leave a voicemail for us. And if you have an appointment at the church, please coordinate with pastoral staff for access or call the phone number posted at the Woodward entrance during morning hours.



  • 截至目前為止,我們收到280個問卷調查回應
  • 回覆者中39%的人表示他們將在第一時間參加教會室內實體崇拜。33%的人會等幾週,而28%的人則回覆他們準備等一陣子後才返回教會參加實體崇拜。
  • 等待數週或過一陣子才會教會最主要的因素是他們希望先觀察一下教會如何落實因應疫情所作的各項保健措施。



  1. 重啟日期 – 為了方便弟兄姊妹與我們的共同商議,教會曾發佈一個暫擬重啟的日期。我們會認真地將弟兄姊妹們的回應,洛縣一般健康狀況,及教會重啟準備工作就緒情形均列入考慮,才審慎作出最後的決定。
  2. 崇拜人數 – 雖然目前洛縣已進步到疫情橘色階段,教會仍然準備在重啟之初將出席人數設定於25%以內。因為我們必須先確定報到手續能夠順利進行,日後將會逐漸增加出席人數的限額。
  3. 招待及報到手續培訓 - 如果你有意願參與招待或崇拜報到的服事,請留意,教會將於4月17日舉行一次相關培訓。英文堂和粵語堂的培訓在當天早晨9點鐘在嘉惠堂舉行。國語堂培訓則會在當天早晨10:30在本堂舉行。
  4. 戶外聚集 - 在本教會聚集的童子軍團隊於上週舉行了一次安全的戶外活動。如果你屬的團契,家庭小組或事工希望在教會戶外舉集,請聯絡所屬教牧同工,尋求有關教會戶外聚集指南。
  5. 教會辦公室 - 教會辦公室的重新裝修工程正在進行中。下週一將開始油漆及重新鋪地毯。在工程期間,如果沒有人接聽辦公室電話,請務必留言。如果你與教牧同工有約在教會見面,請事先協調如何進入教會;或在早晨時,可打張貼在Woodward大門外的電話號碼。